Saturday, February 20, 2010

thoughts posted on

There is no common sense in the current reform proposals. The only way to bend the cost curve is to address cost drivers & demographics.

Cost driver: Administrative costs.
Individuals need health care insurance like they need other types of insurance. It is time for individuals to be responsible for their own health care insurance. This would simplify moving between jobs & minimize stress.

Cost driver: Unhealthy lifestyles.
Healthy people should not have the same premiums as people who are unhealthy by lifestyle choice--that removes the market force to reverse unhealthy lifestyles. People who are unhealthy by accident or birth can be pooled with healthy people. The gov't taxes smoking & criminalizes drugs but it doesn't really work. It is time to tax the outcomes.

Cost driver: Lack of checkups.
One's car must pass a smog check. One must pass eye exams & sobriety tests to drive. Why aren't people required to get checkups?

Cost driver: Redundant lab work.
All lab work must be coordinated by simply contacting every one of your doctors to see if they wish to piggyback on the lab visit. This can be easily automated.

Cost driver: Common drugs.
The gov't should manufacturer or fix prices on the most common drugs including over the counter pain relievers.

Cost driver: Lack of streamlined care for systemic conditions.
Diabetes & other systemic conditions should have dedicated clinics & as much self-care & remote monitoring as possible.

Cost driver: Marginal procedures.
This is the toughest thing to do but it must be addressed.

The Medicare fund will run out of money as the boomers age. Start by allowing people to opt out & excluding rich people. Participation should be subject to a healthy lifestyle pledge. Offer two options: vertically integrated HMO or voucher.

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